On criminal issues. And this was quite an interesting conspiracy in that it really was two employees of rt, which is a company that is banned basically from broadcasting in the united states, europe, the uk, has been since the start of the ukrainian war, and they were both working but representing multiple individuals behind the scenes, trying to make it seem as legitimate an operation as possible, and posing as a billionaire who ended up being fictitious. To say that it was a billionaire with a background in france, in brussels, who was a banker, who was trying to get this information out. And really, it was these two rt employees posing as him and employees that worked for him. Ok, let s, yeah, let s unpick it a bit more. You mentioned that company, that tennessee firm, tenet media. Just tell us about the company. What does it do? yeah, so the company itself was actually formally established last year. And it is definitely more an analysis, i would say, than a news company, very much
Was aimed at exploiting divisions in us society. So everything from being against the war in ukraine to exploiting divisions on race, on lgbtq issues, on criminal issues. And this was quite an interesting conspiracy in that it really was two employees of rt, which is a company that is banned basically from broadcasting in the united states, europe, the uk, has been since the start of the ukrainian war, and they were both working but representing multiple individuals behind the scenes, trying to make it seem as legitimate an operation as possible, and posing as a billionaire who ended up being fictitious. To say that it was a billionaire with a background in france, in brussels, who was a banker, who was trying to get this information out. And really, it was these two Rt Employees posing as him and employees that worked for him. Ok, lets, yeah, lets unpick it a bit more. You mentioned that company, that tennessee firm, tenet media. Just tell us about the company. What does it do . Yeah,
Certain content, most of which was pro russian content or content that was aimed at exploiting divisions in us society. So everything from being against the war in ukraine to exploiting divisions on race, on lgbtq issues, on criminal issues. And this was quite an interesting conspiracy in that it really was two employees of rt, which is a company that is banned basically from broadcasting in the united states, europe, the uk, has been since the start of the ukrainian war, and they were both working but representing multiple individuals behind the scenes, trying to make it seem as legitimate an operation as possible, and posing as a billionaire who ended up being fictitious. To say that it was a billionaire with a background in france, in brussels, who was a banker, who was trying to get this information out. And really, it was these two rt employees posing as him and employees that worked for him. Ok, let s, yeah, let s unpick it a bit more. You mentioned that company, that tennessee f
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Velká vášeň ho minula, na tu pravou čekal dvacet let, než konečně vyroste. Tajnosti slavných 23.07.2021
Popisek: Milan Lasica v talk show Marka Ebena Na plovárně
VIDEO Ona ho zdravila „Dobrý den!“ a on jí říkal Adyko. Jejich manželství bylo považováno v slovenském showbyznysu za jedno z nejšťastnějších, vášnivá láska ale jejich vztah nikdy neovládla. Každý jel po své koleji a ani se moc často nevídali. (Pokračování ze středy 20. července.)