Residents of Bharuakhali have opened their mouths following the arrest of Farhad, decrying his so-called "Sher-e-Bahini" as instilling a "reign of terror" within a part of the hilly terrain under Sadar upazila, Cox's Bazar
Residents of Bharuakhali have opened their mouths following the arrest of Farhad, decrying his so-called "Sher-e-Bahini" as instilling a "reign of terror" within a part of the hilly terrain under Sadar upazila, Cox's Bazar
An official of the forest department died after he was run over by a dumper truck used to steal earth from the hills of a forest reserve in Cox's Bazar early today
Rohingyas highly exposed to HIV: Doctors, NGO workers Asia News Network (ANN) is the leading regional alliance of news titles striving to bring the region closer, through an active sharing of editorial content on happenings in the region.