Meanwhile, on the work front, the actor was last seen in Attack- Part 1 with John Abraham and Rakul Preet Singh and she will be next seen in Kichcha Sudeep s Vikrant Rona which is slated to release on July 28, 2022, Ram Setu opposite Akshay Kumar which will release on the occasion of Diwali this year. Jacqueline Fernandez Turns Up the Heat As She Sizzles in a Deep Neck Shimmery Blue Dress! (View Pics).
Vikrant Rona starring Sudeepa, Nirup Bhandari and Neetha Ashok, is presented by Zee Studios, produced by Jack Manjunath under his production Shalini Artss, co-produced by Alankar Pandian of Invenio Origins and is directed by Anup Bhandari. Jacqueline Fernandez Looks Drop-Dead Gorgeous in a Blue-Purple Hued Saree on Her Latest Instagram Post!.