For Immediate Release: The Black Lives Matter Commissioning Project and the Vermont Conference of the United Church of Christ’s Racial Justice Task Force have teamed up to teach new choral music by black composers, to honor their work, and to share the history of appropriation of black music. Identical workshops will be held from 9am-4:00 pm on Saturday, April 15 at Guilford Community Church, United Church of Christ and on Saturday, May 13 at Mallet’s Bay United Church of Christ. The workshops are open to anyone interested in supporting black composers, but especially to singers and choral directors who can
Augustine United Church is receiving a $7,500 grant to restore its steeple.
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More than a dozen Christian landmarks will be getting grants to make much-needed repairs and restorations.
Current and former Christian landmarks in Manitoba are receiving grants of up to 25,000 from the Sport, Culture and Heritage Minister.
“We continue to work with community groups, local governments and property owners to protect these links to our province and country’s past while at the same time showcasing the historic connection in communities across the province, Minister Cathy Cox says.
The vast majority of the grants will be used for repairs, with some outliers such as a cemetery site inventory and an endowment contribution.