By Kathy Chouteau
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) announced today a new post-pandemic compliance option for the regional Commuter Benefits Program: Telework.
In the wake of state legislation in 2016, the Bay Area adopted a regional commuter benefits program requiring employers with 50 or more full-time employees to offer one of four commuter benefits options to its employees, including a pre-tax benefit enabling employees to exclude their transit costs from taxable income, as well as employer-provided transit and transit subsidies.
Employers now have a fifth option to choose from: Telework. The new option can be used to comply with the regional Commuter Benefits Program provided that commuter benefits are not removed from employees unable to work remotely and also that it is offered one or more days per week.
/PRNewswire/ With traffic on Bay Area freeways rising as the COVID-19 pandemic eases its grip on the region, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission.