/PRNewswire/ Bausch + Lomb Corporation (NYSE/TSX: BLCO) ("Bausch + Lomb"), a leading global eye health company dedicated to helping people see better to.
Equities researchers at Citigroup assumed coverage on shares of Bausch + Lomb (NYSE:BLCO – Get Rating) in a research note issued to investors on Monday, Briefing.com reports. The firm set a “buy” rating on the stock. Several other research firms have also recently commented on BLCO. Cowen initiated coverage on shares of Bausch + Lomb […]
Equities analysts predict that Bausch + Lomb Co. (NYSE:BLCO – Get Rating) will report $919.01 million in sales for the current fiscal quarter, Zacks Investment Research reports. Three analysts have made estimates for Bausch + Lomb’s earnings, with estimates ranging from $903.35 million to $927.10 million. The company is expected to issue its next earnings […]
/PRNewswire/ Bausch + Lomb Corporation (NYSE/TSX: BLCO) ("Bausch + Lomb"), a leading global eye health company dedicated to helping people see better to.
/PRNewswire/ Bausch + Lomb Corporation (NYSE/TSX: BLCO) ("Bausch + Lomb"), a leading global eye health company dedicated to helping people see better to.