joe scarborough, i refer to you derogatorily. a republican is attacking republicans for attacking the wall street protesters. growing mobs occupying wall street. protesters are filling the streets around wall street. wall street s connected to main street. i think this divisive rhetoric is fairly is divisive. it comes two years after the tea parties. i don t think they re similar to the tea party at all. the more than 25 million americans unemployed. herman cain says don t blame wall street. some of them are there because they don t have a job. finding someone to blame in my opinion isn t the right way to go. blue, red, you know, it doesn t matter. you re unemployed in this country. i tell you what they need. look out. a shower. there she goes. while president obama s re-election campaign is busy raising the money it will need to do battle with a super-funded republican opponent who will be
while president obama s re-election campaign is busy raising the money it will need to do battle with a super-funded republican opponent who will be strongly backed up by super-pacs the republican presidential candidates are doing battle in a way that can only help the president. in mit romney gets the nomination for president, it will only come to him after being battered like this by his chief rival rick perry. now, i m a conservative businessman. time and again the white house pointed to the massachusetts model for its obama care. those who follow the path we pursue will find it s the best path. i like mandates.
while president obama s re-election campaign is busy raising the money it will need to do battle with a super-funded republican opponent who will be strongly backed up by super-pacs the republicanth s presidential candidates are doing battle in a way that can only help the president. in mit romney gets the nomination for president, it will only come to him after being battered like this by his chief rival rick perry. now, i m a conservative businessman. time and again the white house pointed to the mt massachusetts model for its obama care. those who follow the path we pursue will find it s the best