you have since been embroiled in this legal battle with montville, new jersey for seven, eight years or something like that. you want it over, don t you? i want it over. i want to be able to grow my vegetables and it s what i do. i m a fourth generation doing it. that s right and you ve got a beautiful lot of lettuce farm out there. anthony, what s his case? todd received permits from the state of new jersey to use the groundwater at this property. that s why he bought this property, it has a lot of water underneath it and it makes the farm more valuable. all he s looking to do is use the permits. the town has taken repeated actions to stop him from using the permit that they have given them. we reached out to the township and they said because it s being litigated they don t have any comment pending litigation. obviously, they owe you something for tying up your water for so long. i mean, you couldn t use it because they said, you know, we re in a legal case right now. rig