are going to argue in front of them that it violates the second amendment. there s a rule in maine barring the use of a student aid program for schools that teach religious content. that case could totally change, alter the line of separation between church and state. there s a battle over alleged discrimination against hiv patients, which looks at how much protection the affordable care act gives people with disabilities. a case that claims that the fbi had an inform ant infiltrate a california mosque in the 2000s on the basis of their religion and the court might take up a review of affirmative action in university admissions. what does this picture look like to you, aaron blake? well, if this term was just if the only major case we had in this term was the mississippi abortion law, this would be one of the biggest terms that we have had in recent years, if not recent decades. i think you layer all those other things on top of it, you layer the questions about justice breyer s fu