It’s fall production time. Many area schools have been working on musicals and plays over the past few months and now it’s time to showcase their efforts. The Battle Mountain Players are bringing “The Twelve.
Special to the Daily
After three months of hard work, and any number of challenges due to COVID-19 precautions, students at Battle Mountain High School presented “Little Women, the Musical.”
Jason Spannagle/Special to the Daily
After nearly three months of dedication and hard work, the Battle Mountain Players were able to present four riveting performances of “Little Women the Musical,“ despite COVID-19 restrictions.
The show opened April 29 and ran through May 2. Thanks to directors Sheresa Wilbanks, David Mayer, Courtney Lorenz, and choreographer Meredith Kirkman, the production impressed all in attendance with its level of professionalism.
Despite masks, social distancing, and capacity limits, the performances inspired feelings of joy and awe that have been missed throughout the pandemic.