why can t law enforcement get a handle on this? the dea tells us they re fighting this unprecedented battle against opioids, you have thousands of people dieing and they have to they have to set their priorities. and that s what it is. it s, you know, drugs like fentanyl, methamphetamine, those type of things. i appreciate you coming on and you guys doing this investigation. thank you very much. it s frightening. i appreciate you having me. thank you. more on our breaking news this afternoon, the u.s. has assessed the attack on saudi oil facilities, they re assessing that it came from within iran now we wait to hear from the white house. plus even before this confirmation, the president said the u.s. is locked and loaded but then the white house tries to backtrack by asking you to believe that up is down and left is right. new analysis next. but allstate helps you. with drivewise. feedback that helps you drive safer.
people dead. jillian: donald trump unveiling a plan for a nationwide opioid epidemic by reigniting building that wall. $6 billion opioid plan. donald trump had a clear message in manchester. time to get tough in the battle against opioids. you are a dealer or doctor or trafficker, and blake the law and pedal deadly poisons we will find you, arrest you and hold you accountable. reporter: at a firehouse in new hampshire, a state hit hard by opioid addiction, the president unveiled his plan to address the crisis which claimed the lives of 42,000 americans in 2016. pending cutting the flow of drugs across the borders and