SWABI: Amid the ongoing clashes between the police and the activists of PTI in different cities, PTI Chairman Imran Khan on Wednesday said that no obstacle can stop them from reaching.
Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf workers and supporters are attempting to make their way towards Islamabad as they pushed aside containers and braved tear gas shelling after answering chairman Imran Khan s call for a long march onto Islamabad, Express .
Highlights: Former Pakistan PM Imran Khan reaches Swabi in convoy to Islamabad PTI activists clash with police, Ali Asjad Malhi, Jamshed Cheema among arrests Yasmin Rashid's vehicle comes under attack; windshield smashed at Bati chowk Lahore Activists force their way through roadblocks in Lahore PTI South's convoy led by Ali Amin Gandapur enters Punjab PTI says several