Mangaluru city police have nabbed an accused for stealing batteries from trucks. The accused is Riyaz, 30, a resident of Kaje in Talapady. A team of Konaje police seized the batteries and a vehicle used to commit the crime from the accused. The value of seized items is Rs 3.9 lakh. Konaje police had registered a case after batteries from trucks were stolen on January 29. The accused was arrested from Natekal on Wednesday.
ITWeb gets first-hand view of an MTN base station in Soweto targeted by criminal syndicates that increasingly take advantage of the cover of load-shedding darkness.
In recent weeks, certain mobile network providers have had to let their customers know that they can expect a price hike if they are contract/subscription holders. Get the full details on the situation: why is this happening, when will changes take effect, and is it legal?