People will be able to plan their return journeys through the internet. Expect a waiting list. More than 11,000 public vehicles will be responsible for moving waste from the countrys six borders to different destinations. Online advance sale first, so we can see what the capacities are, from today, with the coordination that took place in arbain headquarters and the transportation and fuel committee of the headquarters, Public Transport Companies will start advance sales of tickets to the destination of arbains target borders. A gentle slope, god willing this is also because we started the arbaeen plan in rome earlier, based on the approval of the central headquarters of arbaeen, and this plan will start from the beginning of the month of safar, which is the leading friday, so we started presale from today, and my goal is to lets identify the situation of the demand and in accordance with the demand , god willing, the new photos will be taken with the coordination of the companies. It
The biggest such a huge deal. This is probably the biggest investment such a huge deal. This is probably the biggest investment in such a huge deal. This is probably the biggest investment in uk the biggest investment in uk automotive since nissan back in the 19805. It automotive since nissan back in the 1980s. It really is a game changer. The uk had been lagging behind badly in terms of electrification, and unless we have Factory Making At Scale in the uk, we arent going to seem cars made here and we are going to have an industry. This is critical for uk or two, to have an industry. This is Criticalfor Uk or two, and really good news. Critical for uk or two, and really good new critical for uk or two, and really aood news. ,. ,~ . , critical for uk or two, and really aood news. , . ,. , good news. Does this make britain a otential good news. Does this Make Britain A Potential World good news. Does this Make Britain A Potential World player good news. Does this Make Britain A Potential
now on bbc news, newscast. chris, we re going to have a foreign affairs focus in this episode. what was the most memorable foreign trip you ve done as a journalist? can i do two? 0k. and they re at opposite ends of the kind of spectrum. so the first one was being in kosovo when it declared its independence, and seeing the power for a people and a nation of that moment. but it was a contested moment because there were countries around the world that didn t recognise kosovo. serbia in particular was pretty angry about it. so that would be my serious one. and then because news is the full spectrum, the world santa claus congress in copenhagen, which involved hundreds of santas cycling around the danish capital for the hell of it. i remember being on newsround and going to delhi to cover that festival where everyone throws coloured dye each other. but for some reason, we didn t factor in enough time for us to get showered and clean our clothes before the next stage of our trip, w
of them are going to appear. the same way 20 years ago you couldn t imagine a youtuber making a living. he also thinks it s highly unlikely that al systems will be more intelligent than humans any time soon. professor yann lecun s words are in sharp contrast to those of the other two men he worked with on the science that underpins modern ai. dr geoffrey hinton retired recently and he said he regretted his life s work. professor yoshua bengio said that he worries about bad actors misusing the tech. both academics and the companies building ai agree that regulation is the best way to try to maximise its benefits and minimise the risks. chatgpt, for example, was unheard of this time last year. yann lecun is confident that ai will be a useful tool rather than a master, and he heralded a new renaissance for humanity. chatgpt couldn t have put it better. zoe kleinman, bbc news. a renaissance maybe but the bbc has been hearing from one uk worker who has already lost hisjob to a
This is the b y, d at o 3, a chinese purely electric car that does a lot of things differently. But does that make it a better car . Well find out today. Welcome to ref. Mm hm. Oh oh oh, oh oh, oh, b y d short for build your dreams is one of the largest new Energy Vehicle makers in the world. Ah, the at o 3 has are really cool feature. That is, that you can change the direction of that central touch display. So if you dont like it, like that is simply press that and it will slip by 90 degrees. And then it turns the picture just like a tablet that you would use at home. And i mean, have you seen any other car that works . I havent. And ive seen a lot of car ah, for dinner or driving impression in the b y d at o 3 ease. Pretty smooth. You feel some bumps, but its nothing that you would consider a disturbing fact. So its quite a nice ride. The after 3 has a powerful 1. 150. 00 kilowatt output makes the dash from 0 to 107. 3 seconds and can reach a top speed of 160 kilometers per hour. The