and we often laugh that it was just really about waiting for the world to catch up. 0k. well, let s go back to the beginning. as you said, you grew up in the uk. you were influenced, as you said, by programmes like are you being served?, but you talk in the book about your parents stopping you watching batman when you were six. why was that? well, you know, this was a long time ago, and i think colour tvs were quite new. i mean, i m quite old, at this point. so. and ijust remember, it was so brightly coloured. and i think i became sort of overexcited. imean. and it seemed that i became a disruptive child after watching batman! 0verexcited by the colours and the clothes. all the barn! and pow! , and they were prancing around in capes. and liberace oh, my gosh, liberace was a villain! and the whole thing was just ridiculous and camp. again, i didn t understand
clueless about shopping like when i heard i could save by getting cash back with i was like, as if. you would have to be pu butt crazy to shop without it. weren t you a little old for high school. what? 40 is i think he in her 40s now. 45 it the new 17. she looks fantastic. that was really well done. clever. i thought they did a great job. after that movie. she did batman and robin, george croon wet nip clooney with the nipple suit, she looks 17 there, look at that. i rail wanted this to be my favorite. i am a big fan of miss his silver stone, i saw one features my favorite action star from over the top.