the field. i believe you are on the air. and you said i don t know. but it looks like commotio cordis to you. from what you just watch. so why have haven t they ve been able to come up with a cause after all this time? one of the things that this diagnosis allison is on they called the diagnosis exclusion. there s not a specific batista scan that says, a, this is definitely commotio cordis. but a diagnosis made is that you rule out all the other things. and he had some kind of cardiomyopathy? some kind of underlying problem the heart? they have electrical problem of the heart? or some electrical problems that can predispose people to cardiac arrest. again, it sounds like, especially given to optimize comments which were just hearing today. that they ruled all that out. so, my guess is, they probably do have their diagnosis. they just haven t officially said yet. but i think that s the process to this diagnosis solution process. really helpful. doctor sanjay gupta, great to see. tha
reporter who has done extensive reporting. thank you so much for your time. you ve got the receipts here to show us and the pictures. lyudmila is one of the closest people to putin in the world, maybe an ex-wife. but 30 years of marriage, children together, grand children together, a life together. and you traveled across europe to visit these properties. tell me about the spanish apartment. you knocked on the door and what happened? yeah, so i visited together with a local journalist batista, and we had been knocking on different doors in the apartment complex before it wasn t quite clear which door it actually was. but then eventually neighbors told us. and we did not expect that someone would actually open the door, because they re so secretive usually. but this business partner, this alleged business partner called vladimir, he opened the door and actually offered to show it to us and said the couple is willing to sell it.
Estefania s mother, Aleida Guevara, a social activist, is the daughter of Che Guevara, a major figure of the Cuban Revolution (1956–59) who played a pivotal role in the guerrilla campaign that deposed the Batista regime.
Estefania s mother, Aleida Guevara, a social activist, is the daughter of Che Guevara, a major figure of the Cuban Revolution (1956–59) who played a pivotal role in the guerrilla campaign that deposed the Batista regime.