The killing of singer-turned-actor-politician Sidhu Moosewala, with a huge fan base running into millions, in Punjab seems to be an inter-gang rivalry, Director General of Police (DGP) V.K. Bhawra said."Prima facie, it seems to be an .
Hours after Punjabi singer Sidhu Moosewala shot dead in Mansa district, Punjab DGP VK Bhawra on Sunday evening said Moosewala had a private bulletproof car but he chose not to travel in it today.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Jailed gangster Lawrence Bishnoi s gang took the responsibility for Sidhu Mooswala s murder citing it to be a retaliation to the killing of Youth Akali Dal leader Vicky Middukhera, Punjab Director-General of Police VK Bhawra informed on Sunday. India News | Bishnoi Group Cites Sidhu Moose Wala s Murder as Retaliation to Vicky Midhukhera s Killing.