The Border Security Force (BSF) has nabbed an Indian woman with 5,620 Yaba tablets valued at Rs 28,10,000 near a petrol pump in Bongaon, North 24-Parganas, West Bengal
The Border Security Force (BSF) has nabbed an Indian woman with 5,620 Yaba tablets valued at Rs 28,10,000 near a petrol pump in Bongaon, North 24-Parganas, West Bengal.This is being considered a major haul, given the fact that suspected terror .
Daily wage earners on the brink of starvation Deprived of ration cards and income, workers depend on social organisations to feed their family
A large number of people, including construction workers, street vendors, rickshaw pullers, road side restaurant staff who are deprived of ration cards are facing the double blow of loss of income due to lockdown and lack of PDS foodgrains.
Many of these families like that of Raju Sao of Koiri Bandh locality and Shankar Sao of Jharia Sabji Bagan are on the verge of starvation.
Talking to The Telegraph Online on Thursday, Raju Sao said, “Our family income of five, including three sons, was dependent on chaat stalls put up at fairs or exhibitions but with no permission of fairs since March 20 last year we are penniless and somehow living on food grains provided by some social worker or other people including neighbours.”