In the latest in a series of features analysing the modern games media landscape, Bastion Director Ravi Vijh talks to three influencers about how they see their roles and responsibilities, their relationships with the industry and the keys to building (and retaining) a big audience.
Vikkstar123 (7.13m YouTube subscribers)
RadderssGaming (28.7K Twitch Followers)
How do you go about selecting content? Where is the balance between it reflecting your personal passions/current favourites and trying to build an audience?
Tommy from Two Angry Gamers
Tommy: A lot of people in this industry focus on one game, or one genre of game, and they build off that. Me and Adam [the other Angry Gamer], we ve been friends for years, we ve grown up playing games and we ve always played a wide variety of games across every platform. So, with that in mind, when it came to a point where we could make a living out of being content creators and influencers, the only option for us was to just k
For most communication campaigns, the holy grail is achieving cut through mainstream coverage. That fifteen minutes in the spotlight when you achieve reach beyond the boundary of your usual audience and start to entice new customers. However, for video games, mainstream coverage can often end in disappointment when an uninformed reporter asks questions like, But what about violence in video games or Can you talk to me about loot boxes or Are video games safe ?
Questions like these lead us to shout into the echo chamber that is social media about the blasphemy that has unfolded and how we don t need mainstream media outlets when our passionate followers reside on Twitch or Reddit anyway.