theater. it s like shakespeare in the mark for irrational basket cases. they can t see how funny and enjoyable it is for us. hollywood is a cess pool of massage any. jeff daniels is a puts. saying the end of democracy when people elect someone, that s because the guy you don t like won. number 2, about race, wasn t it like 20% people of voted for obama voted for trump? it s more about elitiselitism, classism. they re snobs. they don t like most of meme and don t like most of trump voters. de niro, how stupid is he without a script? i used to think he s brilliant. once you take the words away from him, he s so stupid. just impeachment will make america great again. everybody is how intellectually deprived he is.
john kelly and john kelly s basically out or does the president just not get it? well, no, i don t think it has to be either. i don t think john kelly s out, but the president has been look, again, he was given this mandate. he didn t assume this mandate. he was given it by the american people. and he was crystal clear on this issue. also, i think, let s ignore steve, we re talking about a military operation. don t make this about the wall or whether he s securing it. we re talking about putting troops on the southern border. that s what we re talking about. erin, i think most americans would be astounded to know we don t already have troops guarding our southern boarder ad here s the other issue we should pay attention to. people are fleeing these countries because these countries unfortunately are basket cases and my own father fled latin america. fled a corrupt, violent place to come to the united states. so i get it. i empathize. he also did it legally. i have great empat
we do have the opportunity on cable tv to tell it like it is. i think we did the right thing. there s still some situations where people are more comfortable using a curse word than saying something is racist. look at the broadcast networks. there was less talk about racism. that s interesting. one thing i do want to say is, i think that what the other thing journalists have to do is to go even deeper and point out a couple of things. not just african countries are all basket cases and all the african immigrants are here pulling america down we just shouldn t use the word shithole. african immigrants are coming here from oakland to the bronx. bringing down the crime rate. bringing up the entrepreneurship. same with haitians and el
in this nature. he talked about those nation states. if he had said these nation states are dysfunctional, failed states there would have been little room for the debate. our own state department, you talk about el salvador, our own state department advises americans not to go there. now you want to make this a trump problem when the arm of government that concerns himself with world affairs has said there are failed states. there are basket cases. there are nations that, in fact, are so in disarray that people are trying to escape and come to america. now the united states of america
room? come on, look. if we move to a system like canada and australia, points based, merit based and skills based. people from norway don t want to come here. you get more south and east asians. they did come here when they were a basket case and moved to the midwest of the country and have contributed greatly. that is what happens. that is what happens, people come from countries, they join this country and make it greater, whatever their color. so many people are stuck on immigration policy, where they think it s the early 20th century forever. you can have a lot of low-skill people who want to work hard and it will be fine because there s endless manufacturing jobs. that s not how we work. they said the reason they are ending these protections for haitians is those countries are no longer basket cases and they can go back. you are contradicting yourself. if you say they shouldn t go