Shahbaz Sharif spent decades in provincial politics, upstaged by his older brother and former premier, Nawaz Sharif. Now, the younger Sharif has entered the national stage as the new prime minister of Pakistan.
July 3, 2021
ISLAMABAD: Dual nationals are allowed to contest the July 25 Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) elections and cast their votes subject to the other constitutional requirements which are applicable to local voters.
“Under Article 24 of the AJK Constitution, a person is qualified to be elected as, and to be, a member of the AJK Legislative Assembly (AJKLA) if he is a state subject; he is not less than 25 years of age; and his name appears on the electoral roll of any constituency in AJK,” AJK Election Commission (AJKEC) Secretary Sardar Ghazanfar told The News, answering a question.
Explaining, the secretary said that if any Kashmiri surrenders his Pakistani citizenship to get the nationality of a foreign country, he becomes ineligible to stand in the elections. “If he acquires the nationality of another country while retaining Pakistani citizenship, he is qualified to vie for an elected office.”