issue for hillary if she runs in 2016. then of course you had the washington freebie continue. they reported on the papers of diane blair, an old clinton confidant. on tuesday, fox news aired an interview with kathleen will, who back in 1998, alleged that bill clinton had sexually assaulted her. the conservative media complex s intent appears to be to knock hillary clinton and feed the clinton fatigue narrative. but this bash bill effort could have a short-term impact on 2014, potentially aimed at hurting red state democrats who all are looking to bill clinton to come out and campaign for them. while bill clinton s favorable numbers are above 60% in all of the states having senate contests this year, reviving these scandals perhaps is an attempt to remind conservatives what they didn t like about clinton in the first place. drudging up bill clinton s past has never hurt hillary clinton. if anything, anytime it s been done, it s galvanized support for her. but it doesn t help bill.