The Credit Rating Agency - CARE has revised the credit rating from BBB+/Positive to BBB+/Stable outlook for long term bank facilities and re-affirmed rating CARE A2 for short term bank facilities of Pasupati Acrylon Limited.
The inflationary forces that are currently at work in the U.S. economy will continue to cause much higher prices for many commodities including corn. Read the outlook for Blue Biofuels here.
queen cruise liner, that steam boat forced to stop in its track and boat docked at a random tree. until the water rose and passengers in a hotel and finished the tour by bus. and affecting the food supply, especially corn, for fuel and gasoline and a growing call for suspend a mandate to blend ased ethanol into our it was to keep the price of food under control. doug mche willway has more. reporter: corn prices are up 60% causing a worldwide ripple effect. governors from maryland, delaware, north carolina and arkansas, democrats all vasked the epa to wave the 10% requirement for gasoline. it s raising the prices of food and it may in fact be raising the prices of gas and devastating environmental effect in terms of coastal pollution. coastal dead zones may be