natural gas, in other words the democrats want to completely annihilate new mexico s economy. speedy let s bring back in the numbers for your time because here with 2016 new mexico results, clinton 48.3% to donald trump s 40%. so, thought for all of you? can he do it? it s an uphill climb. it s been a blue state for a long time, president bush wanted to end 04 by less than one percentage point but it is smart of trump, typically has these rallies in swing states are states that are heavily read, i think it s smart for him to sort of get into democratic territory make his pitch particularly to hispanic voters. got the luxury of time, he s got the luxury of money, he s got the luxury of a very strong base reports or is not having to spend most times and most solidly red state so it s a why not strategy here it also you ve seen this white house this week, they had the presidential medal of freedom, they are doing a bunch of new citizens where