can get more than 60 votes on the floor of the senate, and then put the pressure on the house for them to take it up and pass it. i know there were some in our caucus that were disappointed that we didn t keep the government shutdown longer. but i frankly think it was unrealistic to expect that we would get more than we got today. and the group that worked very hard this weekend built some trust and confidence amongst each other and in their willingness to work hard together to get this done. well, the pot of gold at the end of the rain bow here i would think is a clear up or down u.s. senate vote on whether the dreamers get protected or not. do you believe it s going to be a pure vote, or will there be something on border protection or so-called family immigration or chain immigration or something like that or something about diversity lottery? or will you get a clean vote, up or down? yes do, you support the dreamers being protected or not? what will you get? well, chris, i think