until right before the midterms. is that a political play? i ve got to tell you, the bigger systematic problem with immigration is the fact that the speaker won t allow a bill that would pass the house to come to the floor for a vote because he s afraid of the tea party caucus. that s the real crime here. well, that is true that the house did not take up the senate bill. the bill passed. why can t we is it true now that the president is delaying this review? i think that s a mistake, as well. why? he is delaying the review to try to allegedly put more pressure on the republicans. boehner s already said, ain t going to happen. we ought to push isn t this a problem for the republicans, tony? isn t immigration a problem for the republicans? because now that the president s delaying this, it s going to go back in the court of the republicans. they re going to look back. if this was a presidential election year, i would say the politics is going to be bad, potentially