key parts of santos s biography were either contradicted or not supported by evidence. once we started turning up things, more and more things we started to check didn t add up. mr. santos reporter: a cnn review found the same discrepancy. it said he went to baruk college. representatives from both schools told cnn they have no record of anyone with his name ever attending. his campaign biography said he worked at citigroup and goldman sax. they say they have no record of his employment. santos claimed he founded his own charity, friends of pets united but one of the first things i did was look for some of the filings because he was very specific about it being a 501c3. when we weren t able to find that with the irs. reporter: there was no group found friends of pets united found in the irs s searchable database. cnn has asked santos for comment but he has not responded. his attorney told cnn the new