The 19th annual North Dakota Stockmen’s Association’s (NDSA) Feedlot Tour will be June 15 at feedlots near Kathryn, Sheldon and Walcott, N.D. The tour stops will include Sorby Ranch, Bartholomay Cattle Company and Swenson Stock Farm, LLC. Bus transportation will be provided to and from the stops. The bus will depart from the North Dakota Winter Show Complex’s east parking lot in Valley City, N.D., at 8 a.m. and return at approximately 4 p.m.
Here’s a tour preview:
The Sorby Ranch near Kathryn, N.D., is the first stop on the 2021 tour. Owned by Jason and Shannon Sorby and their son Jordan, the feedlot is a concentrated animal feeding operation inside a monoslope barn. The monoslope barn, constructed in 2016, is 250-feet long and 75-feet wide and is permitted for 500 head. This backgrounding and calving facility features a curbline feeding system, inside processing facility, concrete heavy-use pads and adjacent manure stacking pad.