An estimated 150,000 households are in financial distress every year, because they have to pay back benefits disbursed for care, healthcare, rent or other benefits, said Bart Snels in an interview published on Monday in Trouw. The officials who implement the policy are not the problem, he said. They work hard and try to do "the right thing." The problem is the benefits system itself.
The PvdA is surprised by Lilianne Ploumen's decision to resign as party leader and MP, the party said in a response on Tuesday. GroenLinks leader Jesse Klaver assumes that Ploumen's successor will continue the collaboration between the two parties.
With the Netherlands cracking down on tax evasion, the UK risks increasing isolation
The British overseas territories which already feature at the top of the global tax haven rankings risk becoming even greater facilitators of tax avoidance now that they are no longer constrained by the EU’s Code of Conduct on Business Taxation.
The Netherlands’ “Teflon premier” Mark Rutte has managed, once again, to cling to his job following a childcare benefits scandal, snap elections, and a no-confidence vote. What may not have survived the political turmoil, however, is Rutte’s notoriously business-friendly disposition. Just two years ago, the Dutch PM bent over backwards to keep Anglo-Dutch firm Unilever from moving its headquarters to London, even suggesting scrapping the country’s dividend tax.
Dutch ‘Tax Haven’ Status Challenged as Rutte Tips Left in Ballot Bloomberg 3/16/2021 Diederik Baazil
(Bloomberg) In the early hours of the morning on Oct. 5, 2018, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s phone lit up with a text message: “Mark are you awake? I need to talk to you.” It was Paul Polman, then chief executive officer of Unilever Plc.
Polman told Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad sometime later that he sent that text because he wanted to tell Rutte about a decision made by the Anglo-Dutch personal care products company before it was made public. Unilever that day announced that it was abandoning plans to consolidate its headquarters in the Netherlands, settling instead for London.