for the north bay. places like daly city are also in the 40 s right now but it looks like we will see 60s 70s and the low eighties later on today. clear skies to ground for the evening hours. gradually warmer weather into the weekend, i will talk about how hot it is going to get in when we will need an umbrella coming up and my next report. public transit delays and the northbound direction for caltrans today. looking at the golden gate bridge, here is what is happening with public transit. a strain and muni is ok 20 minutes delays on the muni this morning as passengers had to be taken out and put on following trains in the northbound direction. the train was taken out of service in palo alto. watching the supreme court website rulings we are keeping a close eye on the imminent decision by the supreme court concerning prop 8. the voter program on same-sex marriage. will tran is watching this is a situation alive at san francisco city hall. it could come down within th