Oak Ridge City Council has approved with six votes for and one against rezoning that could lead to a new training center in Oak Ridge for firefighters and state and federal groups.
The vote was on second reading, making it final. The rezoning changes the land from a special federal zone to an industrial type of zoning used for private developments such as this one. The land is currently federal, but the future owner for much of the development will be a limited liability company (LLC), Jim Palmer, chairman of the Roane County Industrial Development Board, told City Council at the recent meeting.
Concerns, but rezoning for training center OK’d by Council
The Oak Ridge City Council voted unanimously recently to approve rezoning that could allow for a new training center in Oak Ridge that could help firefighters train, as well as federal and state agencies.
City Council will need to approve the rezoning a second time in order for it to go ahead.
The training center will, if everything goes ahead, be on 20 acres of property along Oak Ridge Turnpike currently owned by the U.S. Department of Energy and described by city Manager Mark Watson as “virgin land.”
W. Barry Brooke, executive vice president of developer LawlerWood, explained to City Council the specifics of the development. He said it will have an area where firefighters can perform drills like hooking hoses up to hydrants. Some of these drills will involve smoke, but he said the smoke used will be non-toxic. He also said drills will focus on what to do during nuclear scenarios. He said the complex