Samedi, 6 Mars, 2021 - 14:01
Eight years have passed since that March 5, 2013, when at 4:25 in the afternoon President Hugo Chávez transcended to a spiritual plane. Since that day, the legacy of a man was born who vibrated in each of the corners of the national territory and the world, whose mission would be to change the destiny of this country, promoting the changes necessary for the well-being of the people. His thought and work is a legacy that remains undefeated.
The Eternal Commander, as the people called him from his physical departure, was a man who transformed his visionary thoughts into works, and achieved a worldwide projection with his charisma, knowledge, and high degree of social conscience; He showed that the love of the people is the greatest force he had, since despite the adversities that were presented to him, the people could not be disappointed, and therefore he fought tirelessly to fulfill that dream of freedom.
Latin America in the Time of COVID A Mexican market trader
In Latin America, as elsewhere, the health crisis has exposed the brutal realities of the global capitalist system: the extreme inequality that has marked the global economy and the destruction of social services and public resources in the interests of private capital euphemistically called “structural adjustment,” and later, and even more ironically, “the war on poverty” declared by the World Bank. And that has continued into the COVID era at an accelerating pace. Even in the face of what purports to be a universal pandemic, the very rich Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates among others have increased their enormous wealth as the bulk of the planet’s population pays for the contraction of the world economy. And that will be the pattern, as the gulf between the rich and the rest grows wider and the costs of the pandemic are passed on to its victims again.