A Barrington Unit District 220 bus driver accused of felony drunken driving after crashing a bus with middle school students aboard Thursday had passed all state safety requirements and had no prior history of problems, district officials said.
Barrington Unit District 220 officials say a bus driver charged with felony drunken driving following a crash Thursday with middle school students aboard passed all required safety checks and had no history of troubling behavior.
School districts with mask-optional-but-recommended policies are battlegrounds in the latest school pandemic controversy: Some students are wearing masks, some aren t, and they don t always get along. But school leaders say they ve tried to reinforce positive messages to head off any issues. And, they believe, in most cases, it s working.
It was only in Sharon LeCompte s adult years at the time she was the first Black teacher in Barrington Area Unit District 220 that she began to realize the trail her great, great uncle Frank White blazed in the suburbs at the turn of the century.