A GRANT scheme allowing groups to organise events to celebrate the 450th anniversary of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis being officially combined by Royal Charter is opening up for its second phase of applications. Weymouth Town Council said it is delighted with the quality and diversity of the celebratory community projects that the council has already been able to support with its Weymouth 450 Grant Scheme. This year marks 450 years from when Weymouth and Melcombe Regis were combined by an Act of Parliament. To celebrate this, Weymouth Town Council set aside a grant funding budget - a total of £15,000 - and invited local community groups to apply for grants of up to £1,000 to support their anniversary projects or events.
THE countdown is on for the MelWey Games event - an extravaganza of music, entertainment and contests to celebrate a historical milestone for Weymouth. Hosted by the Nothe Fort next Saturday July 3, the MelWey Games is being organised to commemorate 450 years since Melcombe Regis and old Weymouth were joined, to form what is now Weymouth. The event will see teams representing either side of the harbour battle it out to decide the ultimate winner in what promises to be a lively spectacle - contests include beer-barrel rolling, Dorset Knob-throwing, a tug of war, and a gig-rowing race around the Fort - as well as music from local band The Leggomen, and others.
panel which sent tommy s car right. we knew that was bad. in the business of drag racing, everything could change in a fraction of a second. when david s car steers into tommy s, traveling at 150 miles per hour, that s all it takes for things to go seriously wrong. when it went right and off the track into the grass, there was a small hump right there when you went off the track and he hit it, he hit it just right. the car just started barrel rolling. it went up in there and just started flipping. it looked like it was going faster there than it was actually on the race track. kind of a strange thing to see a 3,000-pound car flipping. it wasn t supposed to be that way, it didn t look right. a drag racer since he was 14 years old, gaylon is no stranger to crashes. he even had a scary one himself in 2010, also caught on camera. he knows what tommy is going through. losing control of the car as a driver kind of gives you an eerie feeling.
major hit with a heart stopping collision all caught on camera. david hugo on the right lane looked like his car moved out of the groove towards the right guardrail and tommy looked like he was going right down his lane and that david s car actually darted across the track and kind of hit tommy adams car right in the quarter panel which sent tommy s car right. we knew that was bad. in the business of drag racing, everything could change in a fraction of a second. when david s car steers into tommy s, traveling at 150 miles per hour, that s all it takes for things to go seriously wrong. tommy was crossing the guardrails when it went right and off the track and into the grass, there was a small hump right there when you went off the track and he hit it, he hit it just right. the car just started barrel rolling. it went up in there and just started flipping. it looked like it was going faster there than it was actually on the race track. kind of a strange thing to see a 3,000-pound
as far as i know, tommy adams nor david hugo has ever, ever had an accident up until that day. both drivers flawless track records are about to take a major hit with a heart stopping collision all caught on camera. david hugo on the right lane looked like his car moved out of the groove towards the right guard rail and tommy looked like he was going right down his lane and david s car actually darted across the track and kind of hit tommy adams car in the corner panel which sent tommy s car right. we knew that was bad. in the business of drag racing, everything could change in a fraction of a second. when david s car steers into tommy s, traveling at 150 miles per hour, that s all it takes for things to go seriously wrong. when it went right and off the track into the grass, there was a small hump right there when you went off the track and he hit it, he hit it just right. the car just started barrel rolling. it went up in there and just