most presidents are reluctant to get involved in the labor dispute unless there is a lasting impact like reagan s involvement with the air controller workers. and management is the taxpayers. several states don t allow the public workers bargaining rights. we do not engage in collective bargaining. ultimately, we feel the bargaining process takes place in legislative process. bargaining is taking place directly with the taxpayers. his aides won t say if mr. obama feels public sector unions have different responsibilities than private sector unions though he suggests they have the same rights the spokesman indicates it s up to those involved in the wisconsin dispute to work things out. everybody needs to tighten their belts. everybody needs to sacrifice. and work together to bring state budgets in to balance.
is a lasting impact like reagan s involvement with the air controller workers. and management is the taxpayers. several states don t allow the public workers bargaining rights. we do not engage in collective bargaining. ultimately, we feel the bargaining process takes place in legislative process. bargaining is taking place directly with the taxpayers. his aides won t say if mr. obama feels public sector unions have different responsibilities than private sector unions though he suggests they have the same rights the spokesman indicates it s up to those involved in the wisconsin dispute to work things out. everybody needs to tighten their belts. everybody needs to sacrifice. and work together to bring state budgets in to balance. carney says the same responsibility applies at the
that s taken away, if governor walker signs off on it after a vote, no more collective bargaining. what do you lose that you are upset about? we lose the ability to shape better education for our students, better teaching and learning conditions. in our last contract, we negotiated an evaluation system and professional development. we strive to have lower class sizes to benefit our students. megyn: how is that decided if you don t negotiate over it? we don t know who will decide, but the educators we have the moral responsibility to our students to make sure that there are good learning conditions and we do it through the bargaining process. we also have the moral responsibility to make sure that our students have budgets. this governor will cut $1 billion from our schools and we believe that s wrong. we will act on our conscience and we will do the right thing. that s what the debate should be about.
message to the obama administration, isn t it more repudiation and wouldn t the president be more inclined to say i get it? i just don t think he gets it. right now, what his aides are saying today is that the president feels that you don t play poker by showing your hand. that you don t say to the opponent, oh, yeah, whatever you guys want, you know, it s okay with me. here is what we stand for and reminder to the base, you re president and have the veto pen. they re not going to repeal healthcare. no extension of tax cuts unless you want to go along. you so the strength in order to begin bargaining process. he has to pick up on the walking back that you mentioned earlier. he has got to say this is not about enemies, because it hurts him with most of the swing voters who value bipartisanship. bret: with a swing in independents, that would be interesting take. tomorrow is a new day. the president should have, i ll be astonished if he doesn t have a different tone.
any way a bargaining process or a log rolling process. you wouldn t want people to trade with each other. you know, you vote this way and i ll vote that way and then we can, you know, get some unanimous decisions. err judge has to do with he or she thinks the law requires. this is a done deal. we didn t hear anything earth shattering today? no, not at all. and even a republican senator from texas, jon coryn says he does believe she will be confirmed. essentially what we saw was a refusal to say anything that could be controversial. to use a sports analogy, she pretty much held on to a ball today, day three of what were somewhat contentious hearings. day three was quite smooth sailing for her. she was asked about partial birth abortion, views of gays in the military. she didn t really engage republican questions on that