Barfresh Food Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:BRFH – Get Rating) passed above its 200-day moving average during trading on Wednesday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of $0.00 and traded as high as $5.31. Barfresh Food Group shares last traded at $5.27, with a volume of 5,010 shares trading hands. Separately, Maxim Group restated a […]
/PRNewswire/ The smoothies market size is expected to grow by USD 7.03 billion from 2020 to 2025. Moreover, the market s growth will accelerate at a CAGR of.
Zacks Investment Research upgraded shares of Barfresh Food Group (NASDAQ:BRFH – Get Rating) from a sell rating to a hold rating in a report published on Wednesday, reports. According to Zacks, “Barfresh Food Group, Inc. is a developer, manufacturer and distributer of ready-to-blend beverages, including smoothies, shakes and frappes. The Company primarily provides its […]
Maxim Group reaffirmed their buy rating on shares of Barfresh Food Group (NASDAQ:BRFH – Get Rating) in a research note released on Friday morning, TipRanks reports. They currently have a $13.00 target price on the stock. Separately, Zacks Investment Research upgraded shares of Barfresh Food Group from a sell rating to a hold rating in […]
Barfresh Food Group (NASDAQ:BRFH – Get Rating) issued its earnings results on Thursday. The company reported ($0.07) earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, missing the Zacks’ consensus estimate of ($0.06) by ($0.01), Fidelity Earnings reports. Barfresh Food Group had a negative return on equity of 19.39% and a negative net margin of 18.90%. Shares […]