Police ensures transparency in investigation into FPI member shooting 29th December 2020
Komnas HAM member Mohammad Choirul Anam demonstrates bullet projectiles and bullet casings during a press conference on developments in its investigation into the shooting of six FPI members ANTARA FOTO/Aprillio Akbar/foc.
Bareskrim investigators remain professional, objective, and open to all inputs. Jakarta (ANTARA) - The National Police s Criminal Investigation Department (Bareskrim) will press on with conducting a transparent, open, and objective probe into the fatal shooting of six members of the Islam Defenders Front (FPI). Bareskrim investigators remain professional, objective, and open to all inputs, Bareskrim Director of General Crimes Brigadier General Andi Rian Djajadi asserted here on Monday in response to the findings of the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM).