Fire consumes vineyards in Bratislava, another tanker with LNG for Slovakia arrives in Croatia and the President's Office wants to lead by example by cutting its energy consumption.
allegations. he responds to the report by saying the allegation that i would do something like that is complete garbage. and is totally made up. it never happened. never. and we will have a panel of football players an sports medicine specialists at 7:30 to talk about that bomb bell documentary. and also, oh vladimir. spend 12 months with vladimir putin, bare chested man. releasing a 12 he has a shirt on 2016 calendar. look at him delicating holding that leaf. it s very interesting. the calendar chronicles his life. oh yes. oh, baby. are you checking this out? oh yeah. posing for a robust shirtly photo. sensitive side. puppy dog. oh. my goodness. he is just, he s just a dream