Thursday, April 4 Pitt police reported nothing in the crime log. Friday, April 5 Pitt police issued one citation for defiant trespass at Sennott Square. A student reported their laptop missing at Lawrence Hall. A campus security authority reported a drug law violation and issued three student conduct referrals at Litchfield Tower C. Saturday, April.
Yascha Mounk, author of “The Identity Trap,” said he’s a “democracy crisis hipster,” meaning he “worried about the crisis of democracy before it was cool.” “I’ve been concerned for about the last 10 years about the rise of severe political movements, not only, but predominantly, on the political right,” Mounk said. A book talk sponsored.
When Sheila Vélez Martínez asked Matiangai Sirleaf to explain the connection between race and national security, she emphasized how closely related the two topics truly are. “Race has always been essential to thinking about national security,” Sirleaf said. “To the extent it’s been obscured, which I think it has, I think we need to interrogate.