Welcome to the Barclays Full Year 2020 Analyst and Investor Conference Call. I will now hand you over to Jes Staley, Group Chief Executive and Tushar Morzaria Group Finance Director.
Jes Staley
Group Chief Executive
Good morning. We all know that 2020 was not a normal year. The pandemic has caused fear and dislocation in societies around the world. It has caused huge economic harm and uncertainty, with hardship and stress for millions of people. And it has brought tragedy to so many families, including among friends and colleagues. In common with others, it has tested our resilience as a business, and our values as a corporate citizen. While we have faced significant challenges, I want to say first of all how proud I am of the way in which our colleagues at Barclays have responded to an extraordinarily difficult year. Their efforts have been the driving force that has enabled us to step up and play our full part in the battle to contain the damage that this terrible d