AS somebody that’s campaignt for the Scots language owre mony years, I wis maist upliftit tae read aboot the young singer Iona Fyfe, supportit by MSP Clare Adamson, persuadin Spotify tae recognise Scots as a language, an saicondly, tae hear her arguing the case for a Scots Language Act. It’s a proposal some o us hae buin advocatin for mony years – probably even afore Iona wis born– but withoot much success it has tae be said, at least up tae noo. On the ither haun, when I read some bloggers’ predictable comments aboot this in The Herald, I wis remindit that owre mony Scots still cannae help spewin oot cairtloads o ignorant an snobbish keich, (or cac in Gaelic) aboot Scots (or Gaelic), revealin ugsome prejudices that were deeply plantit in their nappers by previous generations o dominies wha were theirsels ignorant aboot the fact that Scots isnae “bad” English at aw, but “guid” Scots, an that it is a language by ony criteria ye care tae pit furrit. The EU’s