sound of the morning barber shop quartet day. they are the national quartet champion. tenor baritone jim henry bass. jim, get over here. you are the bass and spokesman. are you the spokesperson because you are the bass? i m the best-looking. is that what it is? it s a weak pool. all right. okay. here is what i have got to tell you. my dad is a barber. is he 78 and still has his barber shop barber pole. barber shops have anything to do with barber shop quart at the time? they really do. started in the back rooms of barber shops, particularly in the south. they were owned by african-american men primarily. and they would gather in the back rooms and sing the popular songs of the day harmonize. maybe strum to a guitar and that s sort of where it was born, really. and now you guys are keeping this tradition going. probably can t be an easy
thing to do. kind of seems like a throw back how are you doing this? we try to keep the music alive and sing a lot of things more recent and in the same style. so we re not always singing songs from that era. we are singing songs written in modern days as well. trying to maintain the style. it s a great ache pella style good ringing chords and we like doing that. how many barber shops quart at the times are out there? is there an institution of you guys? yeah we belong to the barber shop quartet society. april 11th, 1938. it s grown. men organizations, women organizations. 100,000 barber shop singers around the world. quartets and big choruses as well. i m just enjoying listening to your speaking voice. thank you. are you guys going to be with us all morning performing more. yeah. we are excited. right now we will send it back to you guys inside. so happy they are here today. nice. some other stories making headlines to get to on your saturday morning.