Author of Escaping Christianity-Finding Christ, Barbara Symons joins Michael for a lively conversation on her journey out of evangelicalcharismaticfundamentalist Christianity into a mystic awareness of Jesus. Learn how she was indoctrinated over decades into a schizophrenic Christianity and ultimately went through a sometimes painful, but an incredibly freeing deprogramming process. Barbara and Michael discuss her largely experiential breakthroughs that led her to expose and overcome the cognitive dissonance within the modern conservative Christian movement and how her experiences dovetail with and validate Michael's largely historical studies on Christianity. Hear how Barbara came to recognize the Spirit behind her past experiences is cross cultural and not limited to one religious sect. She shares how she uncovered and discovered the metaphorical messages in scripture and how they advanced her understanding of Spiritual truth as it pertains to who we are, why we are here, and whe
Temple David in Monroeville hosted a celebration of life in remembrance of the 2018 Tree of Life shooting on Oct. 27, the fourth anniversary of the attack that claimed 11 lives at the Squirrel Hill synagogue. Each year since the tragedy, Temple David’s congregation has thought of new ways to