The Carleton Place Environmental Advisory Committee (CPEAC), in cooperation with the Carleton Place Chamber of Commerce, present - Waste Not! Waste Reduction and Composting in your Home, Business and Community.
October is Circular economy month, week three is Waste Reduction Week, and the 20th is
Cave Paintings and Sculptures
A map of decorated caves in western Europe with the names of a few notable or outlying sites. The broken line encloses caves decorated in the distinctive Mediterranean Style which seems to have been little influenced by the master artists of France and Spain. It often features simple, stark animal representations together with quite elaborate geometrical designs. There are important caves decorated in the Mediterranean style in southeast Spain, the Ardèche canyons in southern France, the heel of Italy, and in Sicily.
There are now some 200 Painted caves known in southern France and northern Spain. Several new discoveries in the remote Spanish Basque country appear to be closing the gap between these two main regional groups which, in any case, certainly share many correspondences of style and theme.