Welcome to your home for today the Bible teaching ministry of David Hawking it s here you get the Bible the whole Bible and nothing but the Bible we re continuing through our look at Revelation Chapter 13 versus 11 through 18 and we re about to wrap up our look at the mark of the beast that s right this passage speaks of a beast associated with a number 666 and the Beast will require all citizens on earth to wear it or face death. Pretty scary stuff right well they was going to look at this very carefully for us be sure to stay tuned before our time in God s word David s here in studio. God bless you although forget about our Web site David Hakim dot org There you ll find many resources that are available to you and also there are articles that you can. Run through and pick the one day you need you d like to hear about and is yours and you can download it free of charge. And we are excited teaching the Book of Revelation we re still in chapter 13 by the way the last part of it when it
The ship passed away at his home in Jerusalem on February 6th at the age of 67 please record your prayer for the extended family at 888241 i f c j this is am 670 k l t t and k o t t h d Commerce City Denver and no f.m. At 95 point one and streaming worldwide at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. Can studios of love word finding in Memphis Tennessee for instrument alongside carry on the message from Dr Adrian Rogers continues in the series this month Carrie looking at our home life we want to talk about the role that women play in the home not just in raising the kids but also in teaching other women on how to what their roles are and what they should be doing at home to keep things together important important part I think of this series Don t you know absolutely I think it s the row right it is the role it is a special role it is a. Critical role and that women play and I think we can take that for granted as a matter of fact my wife is a. Music Director fine arts teacher at a local school and
He made known his ways on to Moses and his x. a C.T. s on to the children history of. Moses knew God s ways this trail knew God s works they saw what God did but most of us knew something that the rest of us real did not know there are 2 levels of knowledge about God. Some know God s works they see what God does others see God s ways they see insight into God s character now to know the ways of God will bring peace in a troubled world and God knows that we are facing across the world to learn the ways of God will bring peace and troubled times now let me talk to you about the difference therefore between God s works and God s ways the difference between knowing God s works and knowing God s ways is the difference between rest. And relax for example God promised Moses rest look if you will in verse 14 and he said my presence juggle with the and I will give the rest Israel found no rest go look into the New Testament and let s just find the commentary on this turn with me to Hebrews Cha
Christian ministry consumer information conservative talk k l d c 95.3 f.m. . Through. A view sentence close to the budget Oh no not a recently. Were well over these are it. Do you sit in a new groove all over. The globe with a. Psalm of life that s what our teacher Dr j. Vernon McGee calls Psalm 91 and will begin there today as we continue our 5 year journey through God s entire word welcome through the Bible I m your host Steve Schwartz inviting you to fasten your seat belt as we travel through the next 8 Psalms at a fairly quick pace so while you find your seat and get comfortable let me share a couple of letters from our fellow passengers on the Bible bus and 1st we hear from a listener of our Turkish language broadcast. I found your program one morning by accident later I started to listen regularly I m in prison I killed my wife and a man because they deceived me I will stay in prison a long time after killing my wife I regretted it but it was not possible to undo it I did it in
Blessed to have you with us you re listening to hope for today the Bible teaching ministry of David Hodge as we continue through our series in the Book of Exodus think about the exoduses in your life those times when you felt trapped alone lost and like he does every time God pulling you out of that saving you being your report in the storm being your way out the Exodus certainly happened for the children of his role in a very real sense and it happens for us as well doesn t it God will always deliver us we can trust him for that well David has more on this he s back in Exodus 6 with more from his message do what the Lord says Before we get to that though here s David with a special word for us a ministry update David. We of course depend upon God s people and God s people all over we have no organization no church nothing else behind as only the people of God and we are trusting God s people to supply all of our need. So why not give us a call right now Hope for Today USA is 1875 buy