Spending a lot of time in the upstate. Upstate. This morning bob jones iversity is hosting four of the candidates to talk about issues surrounding faith and families. Families. Fox carolinas Ashley Minelli is live near campus this morning and ashley its not too late to get tickets for this event. 3 talk about whats going on out there now go online to fox Carolina Free general admission, to event happening here 3 carson 12 30 bush 1 15 rubio 2 20 cruz 4 45 4 45 these 4. Behind trump in the gop poll here in sc cruz, rubio, bush, carson last chance to see candidates ahead of tomorrow nights debate still dont know if the four attending todays event will all be at gop debate in 3 doors open at 11 11 3 preps are well underway for tomorrows Republican Debate in Downtown Greenville at the peace center. Center. Tv crews are already getting in place and you can expect security to be tight around that area. Were still waiting to find out who exactly will be on stage tomorrow night. Debate. Out of
Hold 3 were watching this in the Pit Crew Traffic Center. Center. You are looking live at 3 3 were just a little more a week from the South Carolina primary. And the republican candidates for president are spending a lot of time in the upstate. Upstate. This morning Bob Jones University is preparing to host four of the candidates. Candidates. Ted cruz, ben carson, marco rubio and jeb bush have all confirmed they forum throughout the day. It all starts at 12 30 and the candidates will take the stage separately throughout the day in founders memorial auditorium. We will be there and stream it on fox carolinadotcom. 3 and were still waiting to find out exactly who will be on stage for tomorrows Republican Debate in Downtown Greenville. 3 but preps are well underway. 3 Fox Carolinas Ashley Minelli is live at the peace center this morning. Where weve seen National Media already arriving for tomorrows event. 3 talk about whats going on out there now 3 tv crews already getting in place expect
A multisite megachurch in South Carolina recently held a service in which 141 people were baptized in a single day, with dozens deciding to follow Christ on that day.