that s bad. that s what. he s a freak. jy execut s a freake. execute him without trial, with love. execute. execute hie him withoum with. hw yes. that s your pick up line. next up,it. the of the bulls has been a tradition in spain since the early 14th century. that s the 1300s for you. greg, thank you. each. year someone gets impaleds by a horn and then violently thrust onto the cobblestones. why do they do this? i just found out it s ai religious ceremonyfo, and it jut happened again. yeah, a lot of america wishes that was you. i you know, if that s a religiousg ceremony, i meanio, you got to admit, it s more it s more fun. the baptism bapti by baptisma by horn. by horn. but the factptn. the is, this is one ofe those cases where somebody is injured and almost no one feels. no one cares. no one cares because, like,