experiencing moderate to high levels of transmission. the washington post reporting that maryland doctors are basing for a surge in the coming months. what is your concern level? don, i m concerned too. the delta variant is on the rise. it s on the rise in maryland and around the country, which is why i also agree with the statement president biden made today about how we have many of these governors, republican governors, taking a reckless position of banning mask mandates. it s one thing not to impose one. it s something else altogether to say to businesses or to local school districts or officials you may not require masks indoors as the cdc may recommend. so i think we have a long way to go, clearly to finally defeat this virus.
A Missouri judge ruled that local health officials can no longer issue COVID-19 safety orders, which he said infringe upon the constitutional separation of powers between branches of government,
A fourth University of Florida professor claims the school rejected his request to testify against state leaders and provide his expertise on the impact of COVID-19 on children even though he said he would not have been co