BANNER ELK — On Wednesday, Oct. 25, Megan Burr, a volunteer firefighter at Banner Elk Fire and Rescue, was performing a regular shift and training with a a pair of
BANNER ELK — The inaugural Banner Elk Firehouse Fundraiser featuring the storytelling musical “Always Nina” raised $7,781 for Banner Elk Volunteer Fire Rescue during the three shows. The total surpassed
Fire At Headwaters December 21 Causes Damage
Two Avery agencies responded to a fire December 21.
The Avery Journal reports Banner Elk Fire and Rescue assisted the Fall Creek Fire Department in a structure fire.
The call came in about 9:25 on Monday December 21, about a fire in the Headwaters development northwest of Banner Elk.
According to the report the fire did considerable damage, but the structure was saved. There were no injuries reported.