Minute. I am the interim director at Baylor University press. We are a small academic Publishing House attached to the largest Baptist University in the world in waco, texas. At baylor press, were very focused editorially. Almost all of the 40 books that we publish each year are focused on academic conversations surrounding religion. Melissas book is a natural fort for our list, and were proud to be the publisher of it. I suspect that for many of you Melissa Rogers needs no introduction at all. Shes served as special assistant to president barack obama and executive director of the White House Office of faithbased and neighborhood partnerships. She holds a law degree from the university of pennsylvania and a b. A. From Baylor University, and she now serves as visiting professor at Wake Forest University withs school of divinity and a nonresident senior fellow at the brookings institution. She has received an honorary doctorate both from Wake Forest University and the John Leland Center
Everything hinged on the president president s linsky being willing to do that investigation that would benefit the trunk campaign. Youre aware that yes and youve indicated that something that you would not agree to do. In sunland was quite willing to do. And i thank you for your professional service and i yield back thank you mr maloney besser you want to thank you for being here its been a long day you know the 1st time we met it wasnt clear so i tossed out with a quick comment but you know your testimony in this inquiry broke the dam. You were the 1st one through that stonewall that the president was trying to set up and i just want to thank you for that because others have followed your example and theres an old expression that 1st person through the wall gets a little bit bloody and i. At the most understand that expression in a new way but thank you thank you i want to ask about the day you were let go and i know this is a painful series of events so forgive me but i think its ve
As the economist magazine calls have been ignored or obliterated everything having to do with a sound society is being ignored to get a member to a higher level and its getting to a higher level but at what cost the cost is going to be catastrophic were going to go over some of the cost in the next headline but in fact i want to say you know 1. 00 thing kaiser reporters always said in particular this guy named max kaiser on kaiser he says that the bankers always commit these crimes and then change the law so after the financial crash remember chris dodd before he was paid off by hollywood and got to run the m. P. A. Chris dodd and barney frank did the dodd frank act well here we have the fed using the dodd frank act which was supposed to help the citizens of america and give them some sort of transparency from ever being on the hook for another 4. 18151617181000. 00 trillion dollars for bailing out the banks well hes using the new york fed as using that as an excuse why they dont actua
Im max kaiser this is the kaiser report yes there is one number only one number we must get to that number is to the greatest number ever invented by humankind were going to get to that number is better than the living is better than mars living its the s. And p. 500 number stacy we continue to go up and down up and down theres a lot of hope a lot of euphoria and a lot of tension about the trade deal with china but before that were going to look at the underlying cause of the latest hyper inflationary move in the stock markets and thats been the fed the fed of course is essentially the cause of the entire rise in the stock market since 20072008 the financial crisis theyve been pouring trillions of dollars into their bodies on wall street and thats one of their buddies i was a really happy for me thats the opening bell out there so fed will not disclose which banks are receiving repo cash for at least 2 years this is our friends i gat the Gold Antitrust Action Committee out there in con
A deadly turn as its revealed 3. 00 soldiers will stab to death. And hand in themselves students under siege in a Hong Kong University surrender of the police. Forces Cleveland Browns n. F. L. Star milds garretts appealed against his suspension for striking are not apply up with this helmet. The palestinians are condemning the u. S. Move to reverse its decades old policy toward session amends washington has announced it will no longer consider them illegal. By the trumpet ministration in its policy towards israel also in jordan reports from washington d. C. For 41 years the u. S. Has called israeli settlements built in the occupied west bank illegal under International Law that you. Us policy changed on monday calling the establishing of civilian settlements inconsistent with International Law hasnt worked it hasnt invents the cause of peace this is a complex political problem that can only be solved by negotiations between the israelis and the palestinians pump ailes announcement is t